Consultant Gynecologist, Fertility Specialist
Dr. Emilie Lewis is a consultant gynaecologist working at Salford Royal Hospital since 2017. She leads the fertility clinic at Salford Royal, which includes patients with recurrent miscarriage.
Qualifying at the University of Liverpool, Emilie completed her training in obstetrics and gynaecology in the Mersey and Manchester Deaneries.
Emilie has a specialist interest in reproductive medicine, as well as general gynaecology and outpatient hysteroscopy. She also specialises in scanning for subfertility patients and early pregnancy scanning.
She undertakes reproductive and benign gynaecology surgery. Operative hysteroscopy includes resection of fibroids and polypectomies. In addition, she performs diagnostic laparoscopy, laparocopic tubal assessment, laparoscopic salpingectomy for hydrosalpinx, ovarian cystectomy and open myomectomy.
Emilie is a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist, the British Fertility Society and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and has a Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Diploma (DFSRH). Emilie has an interest in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.